I'm off to visit my grandma on the hospital in a few hours. She's recovering from a heart surgery right now.
She's doing fine. But you can't blaim me for being woried..I guess you can say that I don't really give a fuck about Haiti for the moment, you know..
Wish us luck, and have a really cozy saturday!

1;the white tee 2;hardtoexplain 3;dunno 4;jak&jil 5;dunno

[1;hate/love 2;claret odour! 3;skinnybitching 4;fuckyeahfightclub 5;fashion canvas 6;can't remember
7;bones&style 8;can't remember]
First week in school after winter break will soon come to an end.
My brain and body can surely tell;
tired, uninspired, and i think I'll catch a cold next time I go out..Fuck sweden at this time of the year!
...I've never apreciated that feeling of thank god it's friday(well, in a few hours anyway) as much as I do tonight I tell you!



cheers. skål. kippis.ваше здоровье!. salud and so on

Sarah with flying stars

Anton & Sarah. a kiss for a new year.

the two gentlemen of the evening, simon & anton.

Sarah and some wierd druggy-eyed chick

kissing competition...? me in the middle, I won!

what is it with her and stars..?

some snow racing in the middle of night, with beer.

anton and simon again. with alcohol. again..

some wierd girl again. also called nocebo.
I had a really great time this new year's eve!
Even if we were a smaller group of ppl than what I'm used to, it was cosy and calm and beutiful!
the pics are not in order, i think.. but that's okej, aight?
it's not all pics I had either, but these are the best of the bunch I quess.
No I wonder what's in store for 2010.
Can't wait!

my hometown in xmas times, it's almost beautiful!

I kinda went out dancing last night.

I look like this
just found these in my camera.
took them before I went to my cousin's birthday party last saturday.
the dress is from H&M

took them before I went to my cousin's birthday party last saturday.
the dress is from H&M





You know you love our hardcore home styling in our bathroom (;
now I'm gonna drink a few cups of coffee with my lovers, and tonight I'll watch some sexy true blood!
have a nice wednesday!
351:: _busy_busy
I havn't been able to be as blog active as i've wanted to be , 'cause there's just no time right now;
tons to do in school, long days + that i'm working on a coffee table book!
so, busy busy.
but I'll promise you to try harder haha
339:: _heyo_kiddo
I'm turning eighteen today!!
[some old pic from my blond days haha..]
303:: _nocebo's_on_top